Exposure visit for IDF staff member to Nepal
IDF organizes exposure visit of its staff member as regular basis. The main purpose of the visit is to learn and gather experiences about the policies and practices of different microcredit organizations of different countries. Last year a team of IDF senior staff members visit in Nepal . During this time they visit different microcredit organizations of Nepal, such as such as Swabalamban Laghubitta Bikas Bank Ltd., Kathmandu; Manushi, Kathmandu; Shreejana Development Center, Kaski; Muktinath Bikas Bank Ltd., Kaski and Dhaulagiri Community Resource Development Center (DCRDC), Baglung. CSD (Centre for Self-help Development). Nepal assisted IDF to organize the visit.
The participants of this visit observed the operational modalities of each of the MFIs and also interacted with the clients and the staff to understand the impact of various services of MFIs. They also enquired about the repayment procedure and effectiveness of joint liability with the groups.
Exposure visit to IDF
IDF organize exposure visits for the interested organizations and persons both at national and international levels to learn the experiences of microfinance in Bangladesh. IDF organizes visits not only in IDF, it also organize visits to Grameen Bank, BRAC, ASA and other organizations as per need of the visiting organizations.

In 2022, IDF organized 8 exposure visits for 78 participants of different MFIs from Nepal. The names of the organizations participated in the above exposure visits are given bellow:
Sl. No. | Name of organization | Country | No. of participants |
1 | RMDC, RWDC,NWCSC,SCDC | Nepal | 10 |
3 | CSD,MMDB,MUM,MMBS | Nepal | 10 |
4 | FORWARD Community Microfinance Bittiya Sangstha | Nepal | 09 |
5 | CSD,SAHARA,UMCL,MUM,KSCC,SUMC, Grameen Samaj | Nepal | 11 |
7 | CSD,SCDC,UNYC,CYC,MMBS,RWDC | Nepal | 10 |
8 | SDC, Pokhara | Nepal | 10 |
9 | Total | 78 |