
Creating Opportunities for Everyone..

Integrated Development Foundation (IDF) is a non-profit, non-government organization established in December 1992 by Mr. Zahirul Alam, a former ILO staff member and founder member-secretary of the Rural Economics Program of the Economics Department at the University of Chittagong, where Grameen Bank Microfinance Model was developed by Nobel Laureate Prof. Muhammad Yunus in the 1970s.

IDF works for the poor and disadvantaged people of remote, difficult, hilly and unserved areas of Bangladesh. IDF focuses on unserved poverty stricken areas to ensure that every citizen of Bangladesh is provided with financial services and opportunities. IDF designs financial and social products to bring a sustainable development in the life of poor people. The financial products are credit for income-generating activities and short/long term savings. Other products provided by our organization are micro insurance for life, health related programs, income-generating activities, disaster management support, technology transfer, value chains development, solar home system for power, solar mini-grid, etc.

To provide assistance to the poor landless people in order to enable them to gain access to resources by undertaking various income-generating and other activities for poverty alleviation and to enhance their quality of life in terms of health, nutrition, sanitation, education, safe water, housing, power and the environment through building effective institutions of their own, which they can understand and operate to develop socio-economic strength through mutual support.

To combat poverty in the impassable hilly regions and other un-served areas of Bangladesh through providing poor people with capital, inputs, various safety-nets and services for their socio-economic upliftment.

Create Poverty free Bangladesh.

Create Sustainable Solutions that enable the poor to transform their lives  ..

I believe that we can create a poverty-free world because poverty is not created by poor people. It has been created and sustained by the economic and social systems that we have designed for ourselves; the institutions and concepts that make up that system; the policies that we pursue.

Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus



Certificate in Microfinance and Development (CMD) Course

Skills development and capacity building courses for the growing practitioners of the microfinance sector.






Humanitarian Supports to Rohingyas

Last genocides in Rakhaine State by the Mayanmar Army began on August 25th, 2017. According to the UN Refugee Agency more than 723,000 Rohingya fled to Bangladesh to escape from genocide. After sometimes 15 days of walk through difficult hills, forests, water and rivers with serious starvation, the refugees has made it across the border. Particularly pregnant women, children, old and sick people are the worst sufferers. Many Rohingyas were separated from their families and loved ones. Unpleasant weather made the situation worse. These people crossed the border to Bangladesh and escaped from genocide to find a safer and secure life, which would not have been possible without the help and support from People, Bangladesh Government Local and International Organizations. Integrated Development Foundation (IDF) in Bangladesh is also one of the local organizations which immediately started health camps and relief services to these people.

The services being provided by IDF include:

  • Health services through Health Camps which include
  • Health check by qualified doctors
  • Free medicines and
  • Referral services.

Our Partnership

We Partner With Some Of The Most Recognized Organizations Committed To Tackling Poverty


Contact Info

House # 20, Avenue # 02, Block D, Mirpur- 2, Dhaka-1216

Phone: +8802-55075380, 55075381

Mobile: 01711-244356

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