Scholarship Programme
In order to stop the dropout of children of the poor members, IDF introduced this program with the Award Money of US$ 10,000 (Taka 6,00,000) from Grameen Foundation USA in 2004. Grameen Foundation USA was very pleased at the use of “Award Money” and success of scholarship program and added US$ 1,00,000 to this fund in 2006. The scholarship fund is mainly created with these two funds.
IDF introduced this program with the Award Money of US$ 10,000 (Taka 600,000) from Grameen Foundation USA provided in the year 2004. The use of the grant money pleased the Grameen Foundation USA and they were happy to approve an additional grant of US$ 100,000 in 2006. The scholarship fund was mainly created with the earnings from these two funds along with contribution by IDF itself. The scholarship program was being run with the objectives of i) providing financial support to the children of poor families, especially IDF members to get access to education; ii) encouraging children to get attracted to education and iii) contributing to human resources development of the country.
The details of scholarship program are as follows.
- Provide financial support to the children of poor families, particularly IDF members to get access to education.
- Encourage children to make good result
- Contribute to human resources development of the country
- Children of grade 3 to undergraduate level.
- At least 60% marks in the last annual exam in case of class III-X.
- Grade-A in SSC, HSC and undergraduate and graduate levels.

Source of Fund
- Income from
- GFUSA Award Money
- GFUSA grants
- IDF contribution
- Others
Selection Procedure
- Applications are received by branch manager with the help of field organizers;
- Results of last annual exam, performance in the class and manners are mainly considered during the selection ;
- Scholarship Committee selects new students and reviews the old one for renewal of scholarships.
Awards during the Year 2020:
In 2020, altogether 350 students of different classes were awarded scholarships and book allowances. The total amount of scholarships was BDT 12,15,700. Of the different classes, 101 (28.8%) were students of primary levels reading in Class III to class V. Each student was given Tk 200.00 per month and a book allowance of Tk 200.00. The students of class VI to class VIII numbering 81 (23.1%) received the scholarships; each receiving Tk 200 per month and a book allowance of Tk 500.00. From class IX and X, 50 (14.2%) students were awarded the scholarships, each student receiving a monthly amount of Tk 250.00 and a book allowance of Tk 700.00. College students reading in XI and XII class received a monthly scholarship of Tk 300 and a book allowance of Tk 700.00 by each of 40 (11.4%) students.
Thirty (8.5%) of undergraduate students pursuing a 4-year course were awarded Tk 600.00 per month and a book allowance of Tk 1000.00 by each student. From IDF School & college, a total of 48 (13.7%) students of different classes were awarded Tk 200.00 per month. See the class-wise detailed information in Table 20.